Saturday, December 10, 2011

24Hr Fitness

Time to join a gym!  I've had some success with my power walking and have downloaded the GPS+ app on my iPhone.  But I need to make a commitment to working out now... 24HR Fitness here I come!

Today I weigh 252...


Monday, November 7, 2011

Returning to Texas...

I have only been in California for 3 1/2 months, but it is time to return to Texas.  My marriage of 26years has ended today.  I am devastated and scared.  My mind just spins and spins and I don't want to think about everything that is going on... so I have discovered that I can go power-walking and play loud music through my headphones on my iPhone and it helps me to not think.  Gives me an hour break from the pain and emotions of my crumbling life. 

Today I weighed 268lbs.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Finally in California!

Still haven't managed to 'start' a diet, though I am happy to report that I have lost 10lbs.  The weight loss is due to all the physical work that I have been doing in packing up our house in Texas and moving it and unpacking it in California.  I love all the fresh vegetables and fruits here in Northern California.  Now I just need to educate myself on healthy eating.  I love to cook and am great at cooking lots of good 'ole southern comfort food... not too healthy, though.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Time for a Change...

Hello Everyone!

Today I am 47yrs old and I weigh the most that I have ever weighed in my life... 278lbs.  Ugh.  It is way past time for me to do something about my weight and my overall health.  Though... I'm not sure what yet.  My life is pretty crazy right now getting ready for a major move from Texas to California.  But I know that I need to make myself a priority.
